What we do?

We as a medical equipment distributor company, prioritize customer satisfaction by providing the best service.


Ecatalogue is a government-owned LKPP website to reduce the amount of corruption, We have also registered its products in ecatalogue to expand sales of medical equipment


Become a Consultant for individuals as well as some hospitals who want to do health equipment procurement


Not just sell it, we also attach importance to the name of Warranty. All the products we sell with official warranty of at least 1 Year


CDAKB adalah Cara Disribusi Alat Kesehatan yang Baik yang disadur dari Medical Devices Good Distribution Practice adalah pedoman kegiatan distribusi dan jaminan mutu pengendalian pada alat kesehatan


PT Permana Putra Mandiri saat ini memiliki 33 sub distributor atau agen yang mencakup seluruh wilayah di Indonesia


kita tidak hanya sebagai penyedia namun juga menyediakan jasa kalibrasi alat kesehatan yang dilakukan oleh PT. Kalmed Sejahterah Indonesia

See also our best products!

With the services we provide, we also sell the best products from various countries and locally.

See Products!


Official brands of PT. Permana Putra Mandiri with the best aftersales!